Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer blog Challenge day 11

Best day of your life.
Its hard for me to choose just one day, so I won't. Instead I will choose 3.
This is from our wedding day. November 15th 2003. We were married in the Oakland LDS Temple.

April 6, 2009. Tabitha's birthday. Her birth was not good, but that didn't matter. She was all we had wanted for so long that even though her birth wasn't the best experience, just having her with us finally was the best feeling in the world. A part of me was missing until I had her. 
 January 26, 2012. Evangeline's birth. Her birth was calm, and I got to hold her fairly soon after. I recovered much faster with Eva than Tabitha and her birth while not what I had pictured at first was perfect, we were both healthy and happy. I wouldn't change it for the world. Eva was a piece of me I didn't know was missing and my life wouldn't be complete without her.
Going Green with the Grizls

1 comment:

crunchyfarmbaby said...

Absolutely beautiful girls!


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